How I got into Reiki - 3

One day I was rambling around in cyberspace.
I found a Japanese woman living in my new neighborhood.
She had just started her Reiki healing space and offering one hour Reiki treatment for only $20.

I still didn’t know what Reiki was but I thought it was a good opportunity for me to experience something new. 
I made an appointment with her and she gave me her address.
I found she was only several blocks away on the same street I lived.

On the day I visited her but still didn’t know anything about Reiki

She apologized in advance that a delivery person may come to drop off a package which she missed to receive the day before. She said she sent Reiki to the future in a hope that it would never disturb us. (I didn’t quite understand what “Reiki to the future” meant though.) And she asked me to stay on the massage table in case it happens during the session.

The session was amazing. I felt the energy flowing inside of me.
As I wrote in “Why Japanese don't know about Reiki even though it's originated in Japan.”, the majority of Japanese people are quite skeptical of energy or spirituality now, something you can’t see or touch; things that have not been scientifically proved yet. I was one of the typical Japanese who didn't concern such things. But my first Reiki experience was just enough to make me believe everything could happen in this world.
I was floating somewhere between awake and asleep, somewhere totally timeless.

She said “OK, the session is done.”
Right after she finished the last word, the doorbell was rung.
We looked at each other astonished.
Everything was so perfect for me.
I decided to study Reiki with her.

How I got into Reiki - 2

My contract of the apartment that was located in the middle of Manhattan was going to be expired but they didn’t allow me to renew it. They had a plan to renovate the building to make it to a fancy condominium. I heard some other people were also kicked out from the apartment.

First of all I thought it was unfortunate for me. 
But it was actually one of the best things that ever happened to me. 

My biggest priority for choosing an apartment used to be its rent and location. Other than that, if I had space to sleep, it was OK for me. I was busy most of time anyway. 
But this time, my inner voice said I shouldn't compromise to find the one I really like.
I somehow listened to it quite well this time. 
I checked more than 10 apartments and finally found a really nice apartment in Brooklyn. 

As soon as I walked in and looked around, I fell in love with the brightness and openness.
 It wasn't very convenient location compared to the former apartment, but I got more space, and a lot of sunshine and breeze coming in from the windows. 
It wasn't “cool” or “fancy” neighborhood but I could feel a lot of positive energy there. 
The park near the apartment was like a heaven on the earth. Not only it was beautiful, but also the people hanging around there looked very happy. 

I naturally woke up to the sound of birds’ singing very early in the morning and I already felt full of energy inside me. I learned how much the environment; the energy surrounding us affects someone’s body and mind, and the importance of listening to what a gut feeling tells me.

How I got into Reiki - 1

I woke up in the morning.
I was already exhausted.
I was looking at the ceiling.
Fragments of memories were dropping down from the ceiling and I was suffocated.
Then it was already at night.
NYC never sleeps.
But my tiny apartment was like a huge air pocket in the city.
It swallowed up all my energy.
I sank into the darkness feeling guilty.
The word “Reiki” was somehow always in my mind.
I didn’t know where I got it.
I didn’t know what it was.
It was just always floating above me.
Without knowing anything about it, for some reasons, I knew it was something that will help me. But I was too tired to look for what exactly it was.
So I left it as it was.

Distant Reiki Full Moon Meditation

I'm organizing the Distant Reiki Full Moon Meditation 
on Saturday, May 25 from 10:30pm to 11pm (Japan Time).

The full moon is a powerful time for purification and self-healing.
Join us for 30 minutes distant meditation to allow the moon to enhance your meditative mind!

You can meditate on your own place anywhere in the world and we will connect each other in spirit. 
Just find a quiet place to relax and start sending and/or receiving Reiki energy at the indicated healing time. 
Or simply set the intention that you’d like to receive the healing while we meditate and go about your day.

Distant Reiki healing can be given without a client being present. It is easily done and works very well.
If you are already attuned into second degree of Reiki, please send Reiki energy to other participants while you are meditating.
If you are first degree of Reiki practitioners or non-practitioners, please receive our Reiki blessings.

To join in this event, please visit the link below and leave your name and location in the comment box to make a list for the distant Reiki.

Feel free to spread the word forward this to anyone you think might be interested.