Distant Full Moon Meditation

Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Time: 11:00pm - 11:30pm ( Japan Time)
Location: Anywhere in the world

The full moon is a powerful time for purification and self-healing.
Join us for 30 minutes distant meditation to allow the moon to enhance your meditative mind!.

Distant Reiki healing can be given without a client being present. It is easily done and works very well.
If you are already attuned into second degree of Reiki, please send Reiki energy to others. If you are first degree of Reiki practitioners or non-practitioners, please receive our Reiki blessings.

Suggestions for Full Moon;

1. Cleanse your room with sage smudging or burning some incense.
2. Put some meditation music to listen to.
3. The moon can be used for cleansing and charging crystals.
You may place your crystals in the moonlight to take advantage of its power.

If you don't live in Japan, go to the link to get your local time.


You can also visit our Reiki group, Japan Reiki & Spiritualism on Facebook and join up for more information.
You don't have to be a Reiki practitioner to join in!

Hike from Kurama temple to Kibune shrin

Mount Kurama is where Mikao Usui (a founder of Reiki) received Reiki energy.
The trip to Kurama and Kibune offers a few hours of serenity and the opportunity to commune with nature. It’s the perfect place for a retreat to refresh your body and mind.